Hi there and welcome to my site. I am an animator, cartoonist and multimedia developer with a Bachelor of Multimedia from Griffith University.
When working a desk job I am happiest when doing animation or drawing. Away from the computer, my passion is horticulture, and am in my element spending all day in the garden. During my spare time you’re likely to find me surfing, playing/listening to music, going for a walk with my wife, or off adventuring in some video game. I currently reside in Wollongong, Australia.
Bachelor of Multimedia — Griffith University (2006)
Spanish Levels 1 – 8 — University of Sydney (2010 – 2014)
When working a desk job I am happiest when doing animation or drawing. Away from the computer, my passion is horticulture, and am in my element spending all day in the garden. During my spare time you’re likely to find me surfing, playing/listening to music, going for a walk with my wife, or off adventuring in some video game. I currently reside in Wollongong, Australia.
Bachelor of Multimedia — Griffith University (2006)
Spanish Levels 1 – 8 — University of Sydney (2010 – 2014)
Feel free to contact me using the form below, or write to me directly at matt [at] mattlukins.com.au